In Jeremiah 29:11 the word of God tells me; “For I know the plans I have for you.” Declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Our first date was an all day date. Howdy had had an accident with his 1956 Ford convertible with a T-bird engine, robin egg blue, and it was in the shop. Being late for our date due to picking up his rag-top. The first thing we did was go bowling. We went to a small bowling lane in the basement of Seibert’s Restaurant, in Elm Grove, W. Va. We bowled 3 games and I won 2 of the games. Now my Mother never told me to let the man win. Howdy would later say that it was the tight black wool slacks that I was wearing that cause him to lose. Next we went over to meet Howdy’s brother Bill and his wife Dora. We had a nice lunch and then headed to Howdy’s home for him to change into a suit. On to my home for me to change into a rather nice wool dress, high heels and get to looking good. We then went to a movie. By now I’m thinking “when will he try to kiss me” but even during the movie Howdy didn’t even put his arm around me. Now I’m really getting worried, I had showered, put on perfume, so what was the problem. After the movie we went to a nice bar in Elm Grove. Since I was under age, we went into the side room where there were tables and a jukebox. Here I am 17, head over heels for this guy and he still hasn’t kissed me.
Howdy would only order me a Pepsi, while he was having “boiler makers.” We tried to dance but I kept stepping all over his shoes or he on mine. Neither one of us was an accomplished dancer. We laughed to cover up our embarrassment. Howdy then asked me what I was during after I graduated from Triadelphia. I began telling him of my plans to go to nursing school at WVU, (West Virginia University) in Morgantown, W.Va.
It was at this point that Howdy said, “Don’t you know what I’m asking?” and I replied, “No.” He then said, “I’m asking you how soon you can marry me?” I replied, “As soon as you want me to.” It was at this point in time that the nice kiss came. Oh, my but it was a sweet kiss. Howdy said he wanted to tell me about his family before I made any final decision. We drove through the country side of W.Va., He let me drive his convertible. Wow! Howdy told me all about his family and what he wanted to do with his life, the Marine Corps, traveling the country, family, children and more. We talked until after midnight. When I got home my Mother was waiting for me, I told her that Howdy had proposed. She was so happy, I think all along Mother and Bea (Howdy’s mother) had planned for Howdy and me to get together. But…dear reader, it was the Lord God Himself that brought us together.
My engagement ring came in April, I graduated in May, and we were married on July 13th 1957. That was the beginning of a life together and a walk with the Lord.
More later.
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