My Heart 2 Yours

Faith based encouragement and opinion


Sitting in the evening sunlight is a great time to reflect. Think about the day or the days gone past.  A few days ago I was reminded of some childhood adventures. School being out, summer to explore and oh so much more. We lived up Big Wheeling Creek outside of Elm Grove, West Virginia. I could sit on the creek bank and watch a flock of ducks, watch the fish jump, watch the sunlight sparkle off the water. These were days of innocence, days of just having fun, days with not much responsibility.  We could take a fishing pole and try to catch that rainbow trout that just swam past us. Thinking back to all the beauty that the Lord had created. We took it all for granted. I could spend a weekend visiting a great aunt several miles away on her farm. I could swim in the creek, not afraid of much of anything. Oh, yes, there were chores to be done, walk up to the nearest farm and buy eggs from the farmers wife. Looking back it was mostly just fun, seems like Mother and Dad did it all. The joy of childhood. The blessings of the Lord for innocence.
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1 Comment

  1. Oh Georgia…Thank you for sharing…We so need each other and the wisdom we have learned over the years….HUGS!

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