My Heart 2 Yours

Faith based encouragement and opinion

How big is your spoon?

As I was praying this morning, I was praying for people I know. People who have a need. I began to pray the 23rd Psalm. When I got to the verse 5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” I was reminded of a story I once heard. Let me paint you a word picture of that banqueting table.

In this picture I saw two great halls, the one on the left was full of people seated at a table laid with all sorts of food. The table was full of roasts, hams, leg of lamb, fruits of all kinds, vegetables to numerous to count. The riot of color was a joy to the eyes but the people at the table were different. They had a big spoon attached to their arms. They could reach any and all of the food with their spoons but it was way to long for it to be brought back up to their mouths. These people were skinny and gaunt. Their eyes were sunken into their heads, their bones stood out from their skin. They were a sorry site to behold.

In the second great hall, the one on the right, was full of people as well. They were seated around a banqueting table that was laid with all manner of food, vegetables and fruit as was the first. Again, the food was abundant to overflowing. The people who sat around this table also had a large spoon attached to their arms. As I watched, all of these people at the second table were healthy, fat and flourishing. Their skin was glowing, their eyes clear, they were laughing and happy.

As I watched this second scene the Lord spoke to my heart. “What is the difference between these two banqueting halls and the people in them.” “Lord, I don’t know.” I was puzzled by the scene I was looking at. The Lord said to me, “the people in the first hall are starving because they only try to feed themselves.” My eyes widened and my understanding began to grow. Then the Lord said, ” the people in the second room have learned to pick up food in their spoon and feed the one next to him or the one across the table” He said, “they share what they are given.”

Oh, that I may be wise enough to feed others, to share what I have been given. Feed them of wisdom, love, gratitude, appreciation, carefulness, understanding, and more. May my spoon always be full of His Word to share and to share willingly. I want my spoon to be big enough and full enough to be overflowing to feed who ever comes to my table. My prayer is for the Lord to grant me wisdom to know who needs what from my table. In Luke 14:13-23 we read the Parable of the Great Banquet. May I learn what the Lord wants me to learn and share.

More later.


  1. Georgia, you may remember me from Quantico. I was a captain married to Donna. She divorced me and I went back to WestPac. I am now very happily married and walking close to the Lord. I so love Howdy for all he did for me!!!!!!!!

    • Georgia

      May 6, 2019 at 9:08 am

      Good Morning Steve, a lot of years have gone under that bridge. Quantico, oh, the memories. I guess it would help if I had a picture of you, sorry, just can’t picture your face. Did you come to the church, Community Baptist Church on the road towards Manassas? Or, did you attend the Bible study that we had at different homes? There were so many wonderful people the Lord hooked us up to while in Quantico. Howdy retired in 1975, went to Bible college, was ordained, then the senior pastor asked him to be the Principal of our Christian School. (k-12) He was the Principal for 13 years and then went with MFI (Ministers Fellowship International) and was the administrator. Howdy spent 22 years in the Corps and was a pastor for 22 years. He developed leukemia in October 1996 and died on 1 August 1997. IN other words we had 10 months to say goodbye. He is so missed. If Howdy had lived we would have been married for 62 years this July. I love the Pacific Northwest, love Vancouver, Wa. A year after Howdy died, I sold our house and bought a condo here in Vancouver. 3 sons, 11 grandchildren and now 18 great grandchildren. Wow, I am one blessed woman. Sorry about your divorce but so glad you are still loving Jesus. Are you on Facebook, ask to be my friend. You can see all my pictures. Be blessed young man, thanks for getting in touch with me. I do need to write more on my blog. Several people have encouraged me to begin again, guess I’ll take that as “from the Lord”. Hugs, Georgia

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