My Heart 2 Yours

Faith based encouragement and opinion

Oh to have the courage of the little old lady.

Awhile back, October 2016 to be exact, I wrote about letting our light shine. Today I want to share what happened to that “light” today. I had the honor of sitting beside the bedside of a 92 years  young close friend. She had just had emergency surgery and had no fear, she knew if it was her time to join Jesus she would,  if not, well she still had something the Lord wanted her to do.

As we chatted about her surgery she really wanted to tell me about several of the nurses and staff member that she had talked to. As her doctor removed her “ng” tube (nasal/gastric) my friend began praising God and thanking Jesus. The doctor said my friend was the best patient  she’d  had and would love to have 100 more like her.

As I listened to my sweet 92 years  young friend,  she  became more animated, more alive, and excited. She related how The Lord led her to share about her love for Jesus and how he had blessed her. Oh, yes, she has gone through the pain of the death of a son, her husbands death and leaving her home and moving to a new state and new city. Yes, she has had pain of many surgeries  but she stresses the blessings that have been hers.
She has only been in the hospital for 5 days and yet she has touched so many lives. As I sat there another nurse came in and my friend held her hand and told her she would pray for her. The nurse had tears in her eyes and thanked my friend.
So what does this have to do with that “little light of mine?” Well now, I wish I was  more like my friend. She said, “Georgia, I’m this old and I no longer fear what people think of me, I no longer hold my tongue, I’m closer to the Lord now and my heart hurts so much for these others who are hurting.” She continued, “I want to share the love of Jesus, how he sent the comforter, the Holy Spirit to guide and love us all.”
I sat there thinking, wow, this lady is so anointed right now. The Lord is using her now to minister to others. I told her what I was thinking and she only said, “I want to share the love of Jesus.”
Here is a 92 year old woman and I, her friend at 77 does not have the same gumption as this little old lady. Oh, Lord that you would anoint me and give me that excitement and the courage, yes, courage to share “what the Lord has done for me.”
More later.

1 Comment

  1. That is so true. Lord, change my heart.

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